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Sifiso Jubillie Buhlungu

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About Sifiso

Sifiso J. Buhlungu is a Development and Training Consultant who has over 25 years in education, training and NGO development work. Areas of experience are centered on entrepreneurship and small business development, training and consultancy, as well as NGO income generation and fundraising. Sifiso has worked in 6 African countries covering Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Somalia, Botswana and South Africa. He holder a Bachelor of Technology Degree (B.Tech) in Education Management, a National Diploma (ND) in Technical & Vocational Education, National Diploma (ND) in Business Studies and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Accountancy. He has also worked in education and development work to co-found 2 NGOs and started an Online E-Learning Centre. As a recognition to his contribution in education, Sifiso was awarded The Botswana Country Prize in the Pan-
African Prize for Entrepreneurial Teachers 2007 by Teach A Man To Fish, a UK-based development agency. The prize was awarded for his use of innovative teaching methods, the impact he had on students, his qualities as a leader and his ability to achieve results with limited financial resources.